Of the people who moved here, where did they live the year before?

Of the people who moved here, where did they live the year before?
This map shows where people lived one year before, according to latest data from the Census American Community Survey (ACS). Regions are divided by the South, Northeast, Midwest, West, and outside the United States.Web Map Web Map by Urban Observatory by Esri

Last Modified: March 18, 2024
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Of the people who moved here, where did they live the year before?
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Foreign Country
Esri, FAO, NOAA, USGS | Esri, FAO, NOAA, USGS | Esri, FAO, NOAA, USGS | Esri, USGS |
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Bookmarked places

New York
Los Angeles
Phoenix, AZ
San Antonio
San Diego
Austin, TX
Montgomery, AL
Juneau, AK
Little Rock, AR
Sacramento, CA
Denver, CO
Hartford, CT
Dover, DE
Tallahassee, FL
Atlanta, GA
Honolulu, HI
Boise, ID
Indianapolis, IN
Des Moines, IA
Topeka, KS
Frankfort, KY
Baton Rouge, LA
Augusta, GA
Annapolis, MD
Boston, MA
Lansing, MI
Saint Paul, MN
Jackson, MS
Jefferson City, MO
Helena, MT
Lincoln, NE
Carson City, NV
Concord, NH
Trenton, NJ
Santa Fe, NM
Albany, NY
Raleigh, NC
Bismarck, ND
Columbus, OH
Oklahoma City, OK
Salem, OR
Harrisburg, PA
Providence, RI
Columbia, SC
Pierre, SD
Nashville, TN
Salt Lake City, UT
Montpelier, VT
Richmond, VA
Olympia, WA
Charleston, SC
Madison, WI
Cheyenne, WY