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This layer portrays elevation as an artistic hillshade. The map is designed to be used as a backdrop for topographic, soil, hydro, landcover or other outdoor recreational maps. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Jul 9, 2015 Item updated: Nov 27, 2024 View count: 360,559,150

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1872 characters left.


This layer portrays elevation as an artistic hillshade. The map is designed to be used as a backdrop for topographical, soil, hydro, landcover or other outdoor recreational maps. It’s a default relief background in various basemaps such as TopographicTerrain with Labels.

The map is compiled from a variety of data sources from commercial, community maps and many authoritative organizations across the globe. The basemap has global coverage down to a scale of ~1:72k. In the United States, parts of Europe, Asia and Africa coverage goes down to ~1:9k. 

To see the coverage and sources of various datasets comprising this map layer, view the Elevation Coverage Map. Additionally, this layer uses data from Maxar’s Precision 3D Digital Terrain Models for parts of the globe.

The map is based on the Multi-directional hillshade algorithm.

An in-depth description of the item is not available.

Ground Layers




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Terms of Use

 This work is licensed under the Esri Master License Agreement.

Export: This layer is not intended to be used to export tiles for offline.  If you would like to export imagery for offline use in ArcGIS applications, you may use the World Hillshade (for Export) layer, which is intended for this purpose.

No special restrictions or limitations on using the item's content have been provided.

Comments (4)

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arpasardegna Item Owner commented a year ago Delete Reply

Today the shaded layer is not loaded. What's the problem, we have all the maps with this background!!

hwygisadmin Item Owner commented 3 years ago Delete Reply

There is an error in the map in northern Clay County, Missouri that needs to be corrected. The error can be seen if zoomed in closer than 1:95000

rand_hough Item Owner commented 3 years ago Delete Reply

Finland is listed twice in the description of coverage; I wonder if one of the two mentions of "Finland" was meant to be Sweden?

Calarcon@nps.gov_nps Item Owner commented 6 years ago Delete Reply

The Shark Valley Visitor Center Everglades National Park has a new location and building site. The road does not continue through. 25.756767 -80.766419

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          Size: 1 KB

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          ID: 1b243539f4514b6ba35e7d995890db1d

          Image Count: 0

          Image Properties

          Layer Drawing

          Using tiles from a cache

          Dynamically from data


          Esri Managed by:



          This item has not been categorized.

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          Credits (Attribution)
          No acknowledgements.

          Sources: Esri, Maxar, Airbus DS, USGS, NGA, NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, OS, NMA, Geodatastyrelsen, Rijkswaterstaat, GSA, Geoland, FEMA, Intermap, and the GIS user community

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